Sweet and Yukon gold potatoes
Not French fries or potato chips. Sorry. But you don’t have to sacrifice flavor for nutrients. Potatoes contain beta-carotene, vitamin C and fiber. A medium baked potato with light butter and low fat cheese is a healthy and filling meal.
Pronounced “keen-wah,” this grain-like seed is high in protein and helps lower cholesterol. It looks like small pasta, boils like rice and has a light nutty flavor. Try it with chicken and vegetables and as a lower carbohydrate alternative to rice.
Though they have fat and calories, nuts also contain vitamin E and are excellent sources of plant-based protein. Be careful with portion size; a serving a peanuts, almonds or cashews is one ounce (30 to 35 pieces).
Besides the obvious benefit of calcium, yogurt contains bacteria that promotes healthy digestion and strengthens the immune system. Look for “live and active cultures,” like L. acidophilus and Bifidus in the ingredients.
With as much protein as xx, beans are filling and healthy. Beans in general contain a myriad of fiber. Kidney beans, especially, offer great doses of B vitamins and potassium. Beans can also easily upset some stomachs, so add them to your diet steadily if you are prone to digestive issues.
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